Running close to the deadline tonight because I have been busy with preparations for Dorset Art weeks and was interrupted twice in the nicest possible way for an artist putting up an exhibition. First an artist friend and neighbour dropped in and bought a piece of my work. Then in the afternoon one of my private collectors called in by appointment because she was going to be away during Dorset Art Weeks. She bought 5 pieces and reserved another which she has only seen a photo of because it is at the framer’s still. So a very encouraging start but it has put me even farther behind! Ah well.
That excitement meant I didn’t start my #Letter365 piece till late and I have to say I was getting nervous about things drying (hint). But all is well and I got to the post box with loads of time to spare.
I thought I would make a change and have the envelope the other way up to usual (oh what a devil I am eh?) but now I wish I hadn’t seeing it with the other images. Never mind it’s all part of the process!