The #Letter365 Installation at Bridport Arts Centre is intended to be a changing, evolving and unfolding affair. The look of the exhibition will change each week according to the pieces sold and opened, and who knows what other things may happen?
I have decided I will spend some time working in the Allsop Gallery at the Arts Centre on as many days as possible for the duration of the show. You could say that I have now become part of the chaotic disruption amongst the order which is what the work is all about.
The key dates and times are:
The Installation is open 10am – 4pm Tuesday – Saturday from 7th March to 11 April (except Saturday 21 March only at lunchtime)
Friday 6th March 2015 – 6 – 8pm Preview Evening and delivery of final piece
Saturday 7th March 2015 – Exhibition opens to the public
Saturday 14th March 2015 – 2pm Artist’s Talk followed by opening of that week’s sold pieces
Saturday 21st March 2015 – Exhibition closed except lunchtime when that week’s sales will be opened (times to be advised)
Saturday 28th March 2015 – 2pm Opening of that week’s sold pieces
Saturday 4th April 2015 – 2pm Opening of that week’s sold pieces followed by Auction Sale of unopened artworks in 12 lots month by month
Saturday 11th April 2015 – 4pm Exhibition ends with the public destruction of unsold pieces (look out for details)