Some day soon I’ll get back to normal, whatever that is

#Letter365 No217 goes in the box
No217 goes in the box

I am starting to feel frustrated and stressed that I have not been able to spend a sanity-ensuring amount of time in the studio working on my art and I have documentation and admin to do as well and things keep getting in the way. Grieving, illness, looking for a new car and IT issues are just some of the things that have come to stop me and whilst I am resigned to having to restrict my studio time for the next few days to ensuring I do #Letter365 I am still edgy and unhappy about it. It has become a real necessity for my sanity and wellbeing to work at my art and not being able to spend extended hours absorbed in it is bad for me.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to do some of the admin I need to do and on Sunday I am confident that we will see an interesting development in the progress of #Letter365!!! I am pitching for a fresh start on Monday so I can finish setting up the studio and get back to decent spells of time just creating art.

Having said all that, #Letter365 is a life-saver for at least I can insist on the time to do something each day!