Tag Archives: monarchy

MIssed the first day of issue and stamp poses a dilemma

#Letter365 No41 gets posted in bright Spring sunshine
No41 with the special stamp makes a nice composition on the envelope

I am a bit disappointed that Peter at the Post Office didn’t tell me about the commemorative stamp issue. If I had known I could have made today’s #Letter365 a first day cover and made it of slight philatelic interest! I had asked him to keep me informed, but I must take responsibility for this kind of thing if I am to make use of all these subtle nuances of posting letters.

Anyway, I bought a little stash of the stamps to keep me going for a while. I was a bit undecided when I saw the subject matter – Buckingham Palace. Not being a great fan of the Monarchy and the like I didn’t know how I felt about having to lick the backside of a royalist stamp (and you do have to lick these) but decided to run with it for the architectural and artistic interest. I even bought some of the photographic ones of how it is now, but feel slightly tainted by them!