Slight change of plan and thoughts about the nature of words

#Letter365 No98 gets posted in the gloaming
No98 gets posted near dark

Again I could have posted this earlier, but having already missed the post I decided to do some drawing before I went to the post box. Of course the later it got the less enthusiasm I had for writing this. Now it is late and I am struggling a bit.

The slight change of plan refers to a committment I made to myself a while back about these pieces, and I found that I no longer wanted to try to develop that idea – at least not today – as it was stifling my creativity at the expense of my obsessiveness. I made a slight change and I’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow and decide then how I move forward with it.

The thing about words is because I love words and words like “steadfast”, “staunch”, “resolute” and “endurance” take me back to reading an old copy of Jane’s Fighting Ships (falling apart and covered with brown paper) that we had when I was a child. Repulse, Renown, Relentless, Dreadnought, Stalwart, Staunch, Indefatigable and Bulwark are names that hold so much power and strength yet as mostly unused in our common language these days. As a child, even with an explanation, it was a long time before I could comprehend the concept of an “iron-clad” vessel: somehow I thought the buoyancy of a wooden ship came from the fact that wood floats and that the weight of metal would cancel it out. I had no problem, however, with the concept of an all metal hull. I probably only have this memory because of the taunts and barbs of my eldest brother at my inability to understand.

The back of #Letter365 No98
The back of No98

A very slight Welsh influence today

#:etter365 No96 goes in the post box
No96 gets posted in sunshine but I still missed the post

As you can see from the image of the back I am reading the Owl Service – and what’s wrong with that? Alan Garner is an interesting writer and I am enjoying it despite the slightly dated setting. Great that he references the Mabinogion while omitting Alison’s mother as a character even though she is present in the house. That’s a bit like me ignoring the existence of an artwork at the centre of this!

The back of the envelope of #Letter365 No96
The back of the envelope of #Letter365 No96

On my first day of freedom I failed to get to the sea

#Letter365 No95 goes in the post box
No95 gets posted

After a couple of weeks stuck indoors due to Dorset Art Weeks I thought I would pop down to West Bay and have a quick look at the sea. I forgot that Broadchurch is being filmed there at the moment and my favourite free parking spaces were taken up with generators and stuff. I’d neglected to take any money so couldn’t go to a car park. So I parked in a 30 minute spot and went to have a look at the show at Slader’s Yard. To be honest I was not much impressed but it was good to get out.

The back of #Letter365 No95
The back of No95

Struggling with Photoshop again

#Letter365 No94 goes in the box
No94 goes in the box

I want to post this before midnight but can I do a simple image adjustment on the picture of the envelope back. No! Once again I fail to see the logic and cannot make it do what I want. So much for my new-found confidence with it. Perhaps I’ll add it later.

Someone has got to buy today’s as I somehow missed taking a photo of the piece itself. Maybe I didn’t do a piece and the envelope is empty. Now there’s an idea!

I’m a bit cross with Peter the Postmaster

#Letter365 No92 goes in the post box
Sardine stamp on No92

As you can see, there is a nice fishy picture on today’s stamp. Only thing is they were released yesterday and I missed the first day of issue. Peter apologised as soon as I got to the Post Office window where I had gone to buy stamps! Never mind it only would have increased the value of yesterday’s by minus a little less than nothing and that only if a stamp collector had an interest in odd conceptual art pieces. Come to think of it, stamp collecting is a bit like an odd art form in itself.

Just to keep the excitement levels high…

#Letter365 No90 gets posted in the dark into the dark
Waited till the rain stopped before the short walk to the post box to post No90

Hope you were hanging on to the edge of your seats – I know the thrill of seeing another picture of me posting a letter is reassuringly thrilling but this one with the darkness, the glaring shine on the day-plate and the sinister drips of water must be close to adrenalin-overload level!

Anyway I did an artwork and put it in that envolope pictured so what more can you ask?

Margaret gets a mention

#Letter365 No89 mentions bullfighting and my friend Margaret
Margaret gets a mention on No89

Trapped at home manning the Dorset Art Weeks installation Margaret Toft came to my rescue with a bit of friendly company, some yummy cake and A L Kennedy’s book “On Bullfighting” – the same A L Kennedy that once publicly spoke a love poem to me. Well Margaret certainly deserves a mention!

The reverse of the envelope has been left free of annotations as you can see:

The back of No89's envelope
As you can clearly see there are no annotations on today’s envelope

I am caused to remember the final chapter of Richard Brautigan’s novel “Trout Fishing in America”, The Mayonnaise Chapter. At the end of the previous chapter he writes, “Expressing a human need, I always wanted to write a book that ended with the word Mayonnaise.” The last chapter is in the form of a short letter with a P.S (the last words of the book) which reads “Sorry I forgot to give you the mayonaise.” It probably explains a lot about me.