Tag Archives: Fiona Barrow

Storyteller Martin Maudsley takes a break after being a skeleton

Storyteller Martin Maudsley posts #Letter365 No134
Celebrity posting for No134 as storyteller Martin Maudsley pops it in the box

Would you believe this man is just about to demonstrate Troll dancing having only minutes before this picture been demonstrating the effect of fiddle music on a grumpy man’s skeleton. Accomplished storyteller Martin Maudsley takes a break in his barnstorming performance tonight at Bridport Arts Centre. Accompanied and illustrated by ace fiddle player Fiona Barrow, Martin told tales of fiddles, fiddlers and fiddling (I mean fiddle music!) from around the globe giving a modern edge to traditional themes. Anyway, he kindly took a moment out to post today’s piece into the special box at the Arts Centre