Anyone who knows me would know that I would never put a work by Sandro Botticelli in one of my envelopes. There are many reasons for this:
- This is a project where I create a new artwork each day and put it in an envelope. If there was a work by Botticelli in there it would either just be as packing or I would have had to alter it in someway to make it my work.
- It is unlikely that any extant work by Botticelli would fit into an envelope this size without damaging it or cutting a piece out.
- I do not own any works by Botticelli
- If I did own any works by Botticelli you would already know about it, be able to find out if it were true and verify that it was a genuine piece. That assumes, of course, I am not in possession of a stolen work: if I were I would hardly draw attention to the fact by publicly announcing it.
- If I had a Botticelli I would not part with it except for large sums of money.
- I would never subject a Botticelli to the risk that it could end up on the bonfire with all the other unsold pieces – though if a Velazquez or a Rubens…..
So now you know, there is no Botticelli in today’s envelope and the odds on it being a Velazquez are not much better!